Monday, April 17, 2017

Hope Wilson

The Activist Learner

Inquiry, Literacy, and Service to Make Learning Matter

By Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Whitney Douglas, and Sara W. Fry

Foreword by Mary Beth Tinker

Afterword by Bruce Novak

      Teaching to the test was never my favorite approach to engage students in classroom assignments.

Students will talk more if they knew their voices matters “From responding with interest when

students are enthusiastic about something like the opportunity to raise a shark, to being incense about

human rights violations, to being an attentive listener to student conversation, teachers can identify

potential topics. Remember that the underlying goal of inquiry is to connect students personally to the

materials of the curriculum and then connect what is learn back to the world in a way that it can be

used,” also increasing their personal growth. When teachers and students are communicating on a

person level it makes a great learning relationship. Service learning projects also improves teachers

relationships “ In addition to having the capacity to help improve service learning projects, work as

thinking partners provides rewarding collegial connections. When challenges arise and seen

overwhelming, thinking partners serve as mentors who see possibilities and remind one another of the

greater purpose of teaching with service learning. Positive collegial connections and support help

teachers remain and thrive in the profession” which may encourage other educator to engage in the

service learning projects. The parents expectations are familiar as they are consider “another site of

resource and support, as they can reinforce and extend at home what students are learning and doing

at school,” as they enhance their relationship with their child, increase their quality time, and

encourage better work ethics.
        The Activist Learner concept prepares students for future endeavors and personal relationships.

Service learning will increase students concept on the laws of life as their articulation skills increases.

It will also intensify their community life as it does takes a village to raise a child. 

Principles for Practice
What is Social Action?
Jennie Fleming, Ian Boulton

     I can identify and appreciate this valuable selection. It cleared up my concept on Social Action. I had concerns with the generic term social action,” Social Action is a community development theory base on the simple premise that change is possible. The Social Action approach enables groups of all ages and circumstances to take action and to achieve their collective goals. It offers an easy-to understand, open-ended process that enables people to identify and act on issues that are important to them while a set of principles. For us at the Centre for Social Action, Social Action is a distinctive methodology and should not be confused with the generic term social action, which describes activity aimed at brings about change in society.” engaging people in the necessities of change. Encouraging people to acknowledge their situation and persevered as they interact with their environment and the community.  Life appreciation is also encouraged” Injustice and oppression are complex issues rotted in social policy, the environment, and the economy. Social Action workers understand that people may experience problems as individuals but that these difficulties can be translated into common concerns. We recognize that there are many different problems in individuals’ lives. They may feel overwhelmed and daunted by mean: they may even be responsible for them. Social Action gives people the opportunity to break free from a negative view” which is the greatest approach when encouraging someone.
      Analyzing social change is familiar. Encouraging people to share themselves and work with

others are amazing. Getting people to not focus on being judged of their bad decision instead to focus

on The Social Action Process is awesome. The process is structured and work with everyone that

allows the process to work for them. It must be rewarding for all involved “to be allowed to reach

their conclusion in their own time” which takes away all constraints. When someone life is

unbalanced and then it becomes balanced you get to appreciate the person's soul.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Hope Wilson
Online Fan Fiction, Global Identities, and Imagination
By Rebecca Black

Learning Can Be Fun

        Increasing literacy with untraditional methods is awesome! Considering the “ Theoretical 
constructs within globalization and literacy studies are used to describe the influence of new media and techniques on modern configurations of imagination, identity, communication and writings,” are encouraging amazing imagination creativity for today students. Especially for the students that speak English as their second language. This new era of students who are up to the challenge, considering they were born into the era of the globalization of media, will prove to inspiring for othere. Some of theoretical constructs can use is lessons such as; “media studies, social sciences, education, and the humanities offers rich theoretical and empirical accounts of contemporary issues related to these trans-border flows of cultural, symbolic, and material objects” are impressive. The lessons learn will prove valuable in “exploration of the role of the information technology revolution in the emergence of new social political structures such as the 'network society” (Castells, 2000) that challenge traditional economy and regional configurations of capitalism and nation-state” increasing productivity to progress into this new era of globalization. 
          Fan fiction inspires the creativity in the user. It is an amazing way to observe someone’s creativity skills. As “fans extend story lines, create new narrative threads, develop romantic relationships between characters, and focus on the lives of underdeveloped characters from various media “ motivating fun as students remain attentive. It is great for all that is involved they “ interact with youths from across the globe as they develop new linguistic and technical skills” increasing their learning momentum. 
             Youth's learning deficiencies must be acknowledged on a personal level " Critical literacy teaching begins by problematizing the culture and knowledge " usually begins with a conversation and ends with a resolution. 


Developing Students Critical Literacy: 
Exploring Identity Construction in Young Adult Fiction
By Thomas W. Bean and Karen Moni

Children need to be able to identify their problems and escape the feeling of being the only one experiencing difficult times. The” issues that are relevant to teens, including racism, pregnancy, divorce, substance abuse, family con-flicts, and political injustice, young adult novels provide a roadmap of sorts for adolescents coping with these issues in real life,” reading about it may encourage a conversation. The world is constantly evolving “ Dramatic world changes, particularly globalization of markets, challenge long-established ideologies and values related to work and family [Langhorne,2001). In a world of constant movement and flow, media images of advertising and commerce seep into our lives and strongly influence identity development” causing some children to begin a path of negative decision making. 
       Children should be encouraged to read young adult literature and have a discussion afterward. Considering the “issues of reader voice, positioning, inclusion of diverse literature, and an expanded lit- erary canon are all important elements in the mes- sages about reading and responding to literature that students take from their school experiences. For example, struggling readers are sometimes in-troduced to less inspiring readings and response tasks that minimize their voices (Agee, 2000;) their connection to young adult literature is as inspiring as other young adults giving them similar take aways.