Saturday, March 18, 2017

Hope Wilson
Grounded Theory
A Critical Research Methodology
by Joyce Magnotto Neff


                                                       Researching New Studies 

     Out with the old and in with new. In cessation to research " methods we use to generate our predictions and reach our conclusion" have come under question by Joyce Magnotto Neff. James Berlin once encouraged " shaping meditate by language and situated in concrete historical conditions" (1996, 169). He progressed to encourage " researchers to consider" production-based studies, text-based studies, and culture-as-lived activity studies," studies" situated within the institution...that sponsored the examined actives...,[studies that are] related to the ideological-the arena of language, idea, and value" (170) many years ago.

     Now Grounded Theory is being suggested in composition studies. The perception of studies has become a huge concern. It involves multiple data collection, considering what is critical, and reporting methods to provide accuracy and proof of outcomes. It sounds like methods that scientists may use to maintain data for an experiment. "Glaser and Strauss explained it 30 years ago: Joint collection, coding, and analysis of data is the underlying operation [in grounded theory]. The generation of theory, coupled with the notion of theory as process, requires that three operations be done together as much as possible. They should blur and intertwine continually, from the beginning of an investigation to its end. (1967, 43). " documenting all data collected

      My thoughts once were, research was finding as much information on a subject then collectively forming it in a book or in a form of a research paper.  Progress always encourage and inspire change. Neff concludes " As composition matures as a discipline, this state of meta-analysis seems ideal. It promise to interrogate the distinction between theory and practice that limit our current ways of understanding the complex human activities of writing and teaching writing." encouraging accountability. 

Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture:
Media Education for the 21st Century
by Henry Jenkins.

   The Internet is definitely becoming the new form of communicating. Soon there will be no need to encourage your child to look a person in the eye or how to shake one's hand because most transactions will be on line communication. I am inspired to believe that people reaction to the World Wide Web depends on their age and professional development. Culturally speaking I am convinced  "activities become widespread only if the culture also support them, if they fill recurring needs at a particular historical juncture. It matters what tools are available to a culture, but it matters more what that culture chooses to do with those tools." considering their mindset.

     Technology is always evolving and " to encourage youth to develop the skills, knowledge, ethical frameworks, and self confidence needed to be full participants in contemporary culture" is a great way to expose them to new media technology. Encouraging children to venture outside of their community and challenge their social skills is significant to their personal growth. I concur with Henry Jenkins regarding " The new media literacies should be seen as social skills, as ways of interacting within a larger community, and not simply an individualized skill to be used for personal expression." inspiring participatory culture